
cementitious slag makers association

What is GGBS?

GGBS (Ground Granulated Blast-furnace Slag) is a cementitious material whose main use is in concrete.

Uses of GGBS

The major use of GGBS is in ready-mixed concrete. It is utilised in the majority of UK ready-mix deliveries.

GGBS Concrete

On its own GGBS hardens slowly and, for use in concrete, it needs to be activated by combining it with a source of free lime, usually Portland cement.


GGBS is one of the ‘greenest’ of construction materials. Its only raw material is a very specific slag that is a by-product from the blast-furnaces manufacturing iron.

Welcome to the CSMA

The CSMA (Cementitious Slag Makers Association) formed in 1985 to promote the use of GGBS in the UK. The activities of the CSMA include:

  • Technical input into British and European Standards
  • Co-ordination and dissemination of research and development
  • Advice on existing and potential applications
  • Representing views of member companies to Government
  • Exchange of information with GGBS producers world-wide

More queries?

Have any queries about the work of the Cementitious Slag Makers Association, or Ground Granulated Blast-furnace Slag